- 请求信息 : 2020-08-23 04:53:06 http/1.1 get : /xuanchuanshipin/286.html
- 运行时间 : 0.0938s ( load:0.0156s init:0.0156s exec:0.0156s template:0.0469s )
- 吞吐率 : 10.66req/s
- 内存开销 : 2,006.28 kb
- 查询信息 : 14 queries 0 writes
- 文件加载 : 45
- 缓存信息 : 0 gets 0 writes
- 配置加载 : 178
- 会话信息 : session_id=8gji4ocdpbhrusfb51uur99dv3
- e:\web\052\index.php ( 0.91 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\thinkphp.php ( 4.70 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\think.class.php ( 12.32 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\storage.class.php ( 1.38 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\storage\driver\file.class.php ( 3.54 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\mode\common.php ( 2.82 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\common\functions.php ( 51.83 kb )
- e:\web\052\app\common\common\function.php ( 43.30 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\hook.class.php ( 4.02 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\app.class.php ( 13.46 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\dispatcher.class.php ( 15.03 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\route.class.php ( 13.38 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\controller.class.php ( 10.95 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\view.class.php ( 7.96 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\behavior\buildlitebehavior.class.php ( 3.69 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\behavior\parsetemplatebehavior.class.php ( 3.89 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\behavior\contentreplacebehavior.class.php ( 1.91 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\conf\convention.php ( 11.24 kb )
- e:\web\052\app\common\conf\config.php ( 1.57 kb )
- e:\web\052\app\common\conf\tags.php ( 0.14 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\lang\zh-cn.php ( 2.57 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\conf\debug.php ( 1.50 kb )
- e:\web\052\app\common\common\other.php ( 0.21 kb )
- e:\web\052\app\common\conf\db.php ( 0.22 kb )
- e:\web\052\app\home\conf\config.php ( 1.25 kb )
- e:\web\052\app\home\common\function.php ( 0.09 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\behavior\readhtmlcachebehavior.class.php ( 5.62 kb )
- e:\web\052\app\home\controller\showcontroller.class.php ( 11.78 kb )
- e:\web\052\app\home\controller\homecommoncontroller.class.php ( 1.19 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\model.class.php ( 66.57 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\db.class.php ( 5.68 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\db\driver\mysql.class.php ( 6.53 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\db\driver.class.php ( 40.85 kb )
- e:\web\052\app\common\lib\category.class.php ( 3.97 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\template.class.php ( 28.38 kb )
- e:\web\052\app\common\libtag\yang.class.php ( 63.35 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\template\taglib.class.php ( 9.19 kb )
- e:\web\052\app\common\libtag\other.class.php ( 1.33 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\template\taglib\cx.class.php ( 22.62 kb )
- e:\web\052\app\runtime\cache\home\68ff9578d440a8f92fc773fd0d518b2d.php ( 22.94 kb )
- e:\web\052\app\common\model\arcviewmodel.class.php ( 2.95 kb )
- e:\web\052\app\common\model\exviewmodel.class.php ( 6.06 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\think\model\viewmodel.class.php ( 9.58 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\behavior\writehtmlcachebehavior.class.php ( 0.98 kb )
- e:\web\052\include\library\behavior\showpagetracebehavior.class.php ( 5.27 kb )
- [ app_init ] --start--
- run behavior\buildlitebehavior [ runtime:0.000000s ]
- [ app_init ] --end-- [ runtime:0.000000s ]
- [ app_begin ] --start--
- run behavior\readhtmlcachebehavior [ runtime:0.000000s ]
- [ app_begin ] --end-- [ runtime:0.000000s ]
- [ view_parse ] --start--
- [ template_filter ] --start--
- run behavior\contentreplacebehavior [ runtime:0.015625s ]
- [ template_filter ] --end-- [ runtime:0.015625s ]
- run behavior\parsetemplatebehavior [ runtime:0.046875s ]
- [ view_parse ] --end-- [ runtime:0.046875s ]
- [ view_filter ] --start--
- run behavior\writehtmlcachebehavior [ runtime:0.000000s ]
- [ view_filter ] --end-- [ runtime:0.000000s ]
- [ app_end ] --start--
- [8] use of undefined constant pid - assumed 'pid' e:\web\052\app\runtime\cache\home\68ff9578d440a8f92fc773fd0d518b2d.php 第 116 行.
- show columns from `xyh_visitor` [ runtime:0.0000s ]
- select * from `xyh_visitor` where ( datetime = 1598112000 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.0000s ]
- select * from `xyh_visitor` where ( datetime = 1598112000 and find_in_set('',ips) ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.0000s ]
- show columns from `xyh_category` [ runtime:0.0000s ]
- select * from `xyh_category` where `id` = 39 limit 1 [ runtime:0.0000s ]
- select * from `xyh_category` where `id` = 23 limit 1 [ runtime:0.0000s ]
- show columns from `xyh_category_access` [ runtime:0.0000s ]
- select `roleid` from `xyh_category_access` where `catid` = 45 and `flag` = 0 and `action` = 'visit' [ runtime:0.0000s ]
- show columns from `xyh_article` [ runtime:0.0000s ]
- select * from `xyh_article` where `status` = 0 and `id` = 286 limit 1 [ runtime:0.0000s ]
- show columns from `xyh_category` [ runtime:0.0000s ]
- select article.id as id,article.title as title,article.shorttitle as shorttitle,article.color as color,article.copyfrom as copyfrom,article.author as author,article.keywords as keywords,article.litpic as litpic,article.content as content,article.description as description,article.publishtime as publishtime,article.updatetime as updatetime,article.click as click,article.cid as cid,article.commentflag as commentflag,article.flag as flag,article.jumpurl as jumpurl,article.status as status,article.userid as userid,article.aid as aid,article.pictureurls as pictureurls,article.orderlist as orderlist,category.name as catename,category.ename as ename,category.modelid as modelid from xyh_article article left join xyh_category category on article.cid = category.id where article.status = 0 and article.cid = '45' and article.id < '286' order by article.orderlist desc,article.publishtime desc,article.id desc limit 1 [ runtime:0.0000s ]
- select article.id as id,article.title as title,article.shorttitle as shorttitle,article.color as color,article.copyfrom as copyfrom,article.author as author,article.keywords as keywords,article.litpic as litpic,article.content as content,article.description as description,article.publishtime as publishtime,article.updatetime as updatetime,article.click as click,article.cid as cid,article.commentflag as commentflag,article.flag as flag,article.jumpurl as jumpurl,article.status as status,article.userid as userid,article.aid as aid,article.pictureurls as pictureurls,article.orderlist as orderlist,category.name as catename,category.ename as ename,category.modelid as modelid from xyh_article article left join xyh_category category on article.cid = category.id where article.status = 0 and article.cid = '45' and article.id > '286' order by article.orderlist desc,article.publishtime desc,article.id asc limit 1 [ runtime:0.0156s ]
- select article.id as id,article.title as title,article.shorttitle as shorttitle,article.color as color,article.copyfrom as copyfrom,article.author as author,article.keywords as keywords,article.litpic as litpic,article.description as description,article.publishtime as publishtime,article.updatetime as updatetime,article.click as click,article.cid as cid,article.commentflag as commentflag,article.flag as flag,article.jumpurl as jumpurl,article.status as status,article.userid as userid,article.aid as aid,article.pictureurls as pictureurls,article.orderlist as orderlist,category.name as catename,category.ename as ename,category.modelid as modelid from xyh_article article left join xyh_category category on article.cid = category.id where article.status = 0 and article.cid in ('39','45') and ( article.flag & 4 = 4 ) order by article.id desc limit 3 [ runtime:0.0000s ]